Crushed/Caught By Machine

Crushed/Caught By Machine

Crushed/Caught By Machine

Because of the serious injuries so often involved in crush or compression injuries, it is essential that you have a legal representative who understands the nature of these types of cases and who can help you to seek just compensation. At The Pisanchyn Law Firm our experienced attorneys understand what you are going through when you or a loved one has been seriously injured and we provide the legal assistance you need to get the benefits you deserve.

In 2011, $2.04 billion in costs were incurred throughout the United States as a result of workers’ being caught in or compressed by machinery or other objects at work. According to the Liberty Mutual 2011 Workplace Safety Index, compression or crush injuries were the seventh most common cause of disabling workplace injuries during this same time period.

Crush injuries are most common in work environments where workers’ work routinely with machines. However, crush injuries don’t have to occur when a worker is caught in a machine. Crush injuries may also happen when equipment falls onto a worker or when you sustain a hard fall off of a structure and crush a body part. In any case, when a crush injury happens, the effects can be devastating. Workers may lose limbs or even be killed as a result of crush injuries.


Whenever your body part is subjected to a very high degree of force or pressure, as a result of a fall or of being squeezed between two heavy or immovable objects, you can experience a variety of medical complications. The medical problems you may experience include:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Compartment syndrome (increased pressure causing serious nerve, muscle, tissue and blood vessel damage in the arms or legs)
  • Fractures
  • Open wounds
  • Nerve injury
  • Amputation
  • Death

Crush injuries can be very expensive to treat and may make it impossible to work in the future or at least limit the type of work that you can do. If you experienced any type of crush injury at work, you should contact an experienced The Pisanchyn Law Firm for help as soon as possible for help obtaining these benefits. Remember, workers’ compensation doesn’t require that your employer was negligent in order for you to receive benefits, so if you’ve been crushed at work, you have the right to be compensated.


When a crush injury happens, you are likely going to be dealing with the significant medical problems you face or, in the worst case scenario, you are going to be coping with the death of your family member. Unfortunately, you will still have legal issues to deal with to get your workers’ compensation benefits, and there are strict deadlines that must be met to preserve your eligibility for benefits.

Let an experienced Lawyer take care of the legal matters for you so you can focus on getting better. At The Pisanchyn Law Firm, we understand the high stakes involved in crush injury cases and we have extensive experience helping the victims of compression injuries to get the full amount of benefits available under the laws. Give our Attorneys a call today at 1800-444-5309 or fill out our contact form to the right to learn more about how we can help you.

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Independent Medical Examination

Independent Medical Examination

It’s too easy for the insurance companies to trick you or question your credibility when you are in such a vulnerable state. Your PA Workers’ Compensation legal representation is free of charge until we have to take this matter to a Judge. We pledge, without any equivocation, that should you retain us, we will represent you skillfully, compassionately, and most of all, aggressively.

Nurse Case Managers

Nurse Case Managers

If you have been assigned a workers’ compensation nurse case manager and are not sure what to do, or what you can and cannot say, you should contact our PA workers’ compensation attorneys immediately. We will handle any and all communication with the workers’ compensation nurse and the insurance company so you can focus on what is really important, getting better.

Heart Lung Act Benefits

Heart Lung Act Benefits

The risks faced by broad classes of Pennsylvania employees are necessary for the safety of people in the community. The law recognizes the risks these people take and provides them with assistance if they are injured on the job. Heart and Lung Act benefits are available to law enforcement officers who suffer any job-related injury by state law.

Heart Lung Act Benefits

Heart Lung Act Attorneys

As a result of this we take the time to explain and educate all areas of the Worker’s Compensation system, Act 632/534 Benefits, and Heart and Lung Benefits so you know what to expect and what to do when certain situations come up. Just like your injury is 24/7, so is our assistance, guidance, and consultation.

Warehouse Workers Compensation Attorneys

Warehouse Workers Compensation Attorneys

Warehouse workers, distribution workers, and other professionals who load and unload vehicles daily risk many injuries. It the right of warehouse workers, distribution workers, and other professionals who have been injured on the job to pursue a workers’ compensation claim.

Independent Medical Examination

Refinery Workers Compensation

Refinery work is some of the most dangerous work a person can do. Refinery workers are exposed to fumes, fires, and explosions with potential for toxic burns. If you have been injured or contracted an illness due to working in a refinery you may be entitled to workers’ compensation.

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