5 Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer
If you’ve been injured in the workplace, you might be wondering whether or not to hire a lawyer to assist you with your claim. The answer is most likely, yes. In fact, most reputable lawyers will tell you if you have a claim that you can handle by yourself.
3 Myths about Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI’s) require immediate attention and proper diagnosis. Unfortunately, unless an injury victim suffers a visible head injury, traumatic brain injuries often get neglected. Moreover, some minor head injuries are not immediately visible and start showing effects long after the patient is discharged from the hospital.
What Should I Do After an Accident?
Accidents happen and you may not be thinking clearly after you are in a car crash. You may even be injured. Knowing what to do in case of an accident is important.
Safe Fall Driving Tips
Fall in Pennsylvania is arguably our most beautiful season. It’s a great time to go for a drive just to enjoy the scenery.
When to Talk to a Social Security Disability Lawyer
The general rule is “the earlier, the better.” If you’re even considering filing for disability, you should call a disability attorney for a free consultation. Your attorney can help you evaluate the strength of your case and assist you with your initial application.
Do I Need a Lawyer for My Social Security Disability Hearing?
Although you are not required to have any sort of legal representation at a disability hearing, statistics show that those who have an attorney are far more likely to be approved for benefits than those who choose to represent themselves.
Personal Injury Lawyers and Attorneys (PI Lawyers and Attorneys) provide specialized legal expertise, to anyone who has been either physically injured, or psychologically injured, due to negligence or wrong doings by a person, or any registered entity (small business, company, government organization, etc).
Sleep disorders are an extremely common side effect of traumatic brain injury (TBI). People who, prior to their accident, had experienced no difficulty in sleeping commonly complain not only of an inability to fall asleep, but of more frequent restless sleep.
Generally, it is advantageous to hire an attorney who has experience with a specific injury, because experienced attorneys are more likely to obtain the maximum benefits for injuries allowed by PA law.
Statistics show that there is $210 million construction industry in the Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania area. This shows the vast growth of the construction industry in the area which contributes jobs and money to the city. With this in mind, it is important to anticipate the effects this industry will bring to the people of Wilkes Barre.
Well, it will save your life too, but wearing a helmet can also significantly effect your ability to claim damages in a motorcycle accident.
Medical Malpractice Myths
Just like us injury lawyers have misconceptions and stereotypes against us, as discussed in our introductory blog post, so do medical malpractice lawsuits and the victims that file them. Notice that we say victims, not people, not parties, and not plaintiffs; victims.
Reasons To Contact A Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Occupational injuries are much more common than you might think. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 3.0 million nonfatal workplace injuries were reported in 2022, resulting in an alarmingly high incidence rate of 3.3 cases for every 100 full-time workers.
Personal Injury Checklist
Amidst the trauma and confusion of an automobile accident, it is difficult to remain levelheaded and take control of the situation. While you may be tempted to rely on law enforcement officials at the scene to handle everything, it is essential for you to act quickly to collect evidence and speak with witnesses about details you may have missed.
Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer
When someone encounters an accident that causes harm, knowing about the provisions of personal injury law is important.
Types of Personal Injuries
Personal injury is a vast topic with hundreds of titles listed below it. It is very vague, simply because it is nearly impossible to predict what kind of injury any given accident may cause as it is nearly impossible to predict how a person will react during that accident.
Car Accident Personal Injury Compensation Explained
When you are seeking car accident personal injury compensation, you need to make sure you are properly prepared for your case. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can best prepare for your auto case.
Can My Personal Injury Claim End in a Structured Settlement?
When you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit, your mind is in constant motion with questions about all the possible outcomes of your case.
When To Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. At work, employees are always at risk of facing an accident at any time. A broken arm from a fall off a ladder, a back injury, or a strain from lifting heavy boxes, are some common mishaps that can strike without any warning.
Handling a Long Term Disability Claim
If you are filing a long term disability claim when you have been injured or become ill and cannot work, it is helpful to know that disability insurance is more complicated than most insurance. There are very strict rules that must be followed.