1. Apply Early. The social security process can take a long time. You’ll want to apply as soon as possible to get benefits as quickly as you can.

2. Get Representation. The better organized your claim is, the better your chances of a quick and favorable decision. Being represented by an attorney from the beginning will reduce your stress level and will increase your chances of winning the highest possible award at the earliest possible date.

A good disability attorney will:

  • patiently answer all of your questions
  • help you fill out your paperwork
  • appear with you at a hearing
  • file your initial application for you electronically
  • help you from day 1 in organizing your case
  • collect a complete and accurate medical record for your claim
  • request additional information from your physicians
  • aggressively follow up to make sure that your claim is processed quickly and fairly

Hire an attorney now. Avoid making mistakes and eliminate the unnecessary stress of trying to handle your claim by yourself.

3. Keep careful records of your condition. Dedicate a notebook/journal to your disability. Record of all your medical appointments, disabling symptoms and conditions and keep all of your medical receipts. Document all of the medical treatments you have undergone and medications you have been prescribed, and note how successful each has been. If you have chronic pain, keep a diary. Also make note of any mental diagnoses or symptoms you experience.

4. Continue Medical Treatment. Social security is much more likely to award you disability benefits if you can show you are trying to treat your impairment.

5. Involve your doctor. You will need copies of all relevant medical records, which your physician’s office should provide. For a successful Social Security disability claim, your doctor should provide you with a letter detailing how your medical conditions limit your ability to return to work and to do everyday activities. Many doctors are reluctant to involve themselves with the paperwork you require for a successful claim, but if you have an attorney, he or she should make sure that your medical records are clear and complete. The information your doctor provides will have a huge impact on your claim.

6. DON’T GIVE UP! More than 50% of all claims are denied initially. If you are denied benefits, appeal and keep appealing. Find an excellent Social Security disability claim attorney who will aggressively pursue your case.

If you have been denied social security benefits or believe you’re entitled to benefits, contact our aggressive Pennsylvania SSI/SSD attorneys immediately so that we can discuss your case in detail. Call toll free 1-800-444-5309 for a free consultation. We have offices in Scranton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh and will travel to you.