Vaccine Injury Attorneys
If you or a loved one suffered an injury or illness after receiving a vaccine, you could be entitled to compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).
The NVICP was created as a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions. The program allows individuals to file a petition – following strict procedures – to receive compensation for injuries ensued by vaccines. Because of the long and complicated process of filing this petition, it is wise to have an experienced attorney to help you file your claim.
Not all petitioners are granted compensation, either. When this happens, the Pisanchyn Law Firm can appeal and file a claim in civil court against the vaccine company or healthcare provider who administered the vaccine.
For these reasons, it is in your best interested to contact The Pisanchyn Law Firm BEFORE you file your petition. We handle these types of cases throughout the country and will travel to you – call 1-800-444-5309 now for a free consultation.
The program covers the majority of routinely administered vaccines in the United States. Basically, for a vaccine to be covered, it has to be recommended for routine administration by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to children or pregnant women.
Millions of dollars have been awarded to vaccine victims for injuries caused by the following covered vaccines
- Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis
- Hemophilus Influenzae Type b
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Human Papilloma Virus
- Measles virus containing vaccines, alone, or in combination with other vaccines
- Measles-Mumps-Rubella
- Pneumococcal
- Polio inactivated virus containing vaccines
- Polio live virus containing vaccines
- Rotavirus vaccines containing live, oral, rhesus-based rotavirus
- Rubella
- Seasonal flu vaccine
- Tetanus Toxoid
- Varicella “Chicken Pox”
To determine if injuries are a result of or tied to covered vaccines, the NVICP uses the The Vaccine Injury Table. This lists injuries and/or conditions associated with covered vaccines.
Symptoms of these injuries/conditions must occur within specified time periods and meet the definition of injury on the injury table in order for an individual to qualify as a vaccine victim (the vaccine caused the injury or condition).
Just because an injury or condition is not listed on the table or doesn’t meet the table requirements does not mean that you don’t have a case – this just means you now have the burden to prove that your condition was caused by a covered vaccine. In this instance, the Pisanchyn Law Firm’s excellent vaccine attorneys can gather evidence through expert witness testimony, medical records and physician opinion to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Injuries included on the Table are:
- Anaphylaxis
- Brachial Nueritis
- Shoulder Injury related to vaccine administration
- Vasovagal syncope
- Encephalopathy or encephalitis
- Chronis Arthritis
- Thrombocytopenic purpura
- Vaccine-strain measles
- Paralytic polio
- Vaccine-strain polio viral infection
- Disseminated varicella vaccine-strain viral disease
- Intussusception
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
If you or a loved one has experienced injury after a receiving a covered vaccine, contact our Vaccine Reaction Attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm so we and our team of medical experts can review your case.
Call toll free at 1-800-444-5309 for a free consultation.
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