Author: The Pisanchyn Law Firm

Cerebral Palsy Attorneys

Birth Injury Cerebral Palsy RH Factor Incompatibility Erb’s Palsy Shoulder Dystocia Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Kernicterus Placental Abruption Group B Strep Gestational Diabetes Cerebral palsy (CP), many times mistaken as a disease, is brain damage that occurs prior to or immediately following birth. Though it can be caused by unknown, natural factors it’s sadly a common [...]

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Birth Injury Attorneys

BIRTH INJURY CATEGORIES  Birth Injury Cerebral Palsy RH Factor Incompatibility Erb’s Palsy Shoulder Dystocia Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Kernicterus Placental Abruption Group B Strep Gestational Diabetes If your child is the victim of a health care provider who failed to exercise the required standard of care during his or her birth you don’t need just any [...]

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Emergency Room Misdiagnosis Attorneys

The Pisanchyn Law Firm, our Pennsylvania ER misdiagnosis attorneys will begin working on your case as soon as you call by answering all your questions, guiding you through the steps of filing a claim, as well as fighting for the compensation you deserve. We will also get our team of medical experts to gather evidence to build a solid case against those who did this to you.

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Failure Diagnose Attorneys

If you or a loved one have suffered or are suffering with injury and/or disability as a result of a health care provider failing to diagnose your condition, you could receive compensation for all that you have endured. Our Pennsylvania failure to diagnose attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm want to help you gain some peace of mind after this devastating event. We will stop at nothing to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

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