Open Head Injury Attorneys

Open Head Injury Attorneys

Open Head Injury Attorneys

Open head injuries require immediate medical attention because they expose the brain to the outside world making it susceptible to severe infection and brain damage. Open head injuries occur when an object with a strong force fractures the skill and damages brain tissue and/or the membranes around the injured area.

The type of open head injury and its effects differ based the type of skull fracture you suffered.


Linear Skull Fractures – These are cracks in the skull. Most linear skull fractures are minor and don’t involve much treatment however, no matter what type of brain injury, it is very important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible after the injury occurs to rule out any and all serious problems it may have caused.

Depressed Skull Fractures – These are broken skull fragments that stab the brain tissue. These fractures are normally caused by a blow to the head with a heavy rounded object.

Diastatic Skull Fractures – These are are most common in babies. The lines in the skull that are joined together are widened. These are common in babies because these lines are supposed to fuse together tightly during early developing years. If a baby suffers a head injury as the result of abuse or malpractice these lines will separate easily because they are not fully fused.

Basilar Skull Fractures – These are breaks at the base of the skull. These fractures cause tears in the membranes holding the brain. These fractures can, just as linear skull fractures, cause leakage of a clear fluid from your nose and ears. Blood can also collect around the eyes depending on the severity of the fracture.


It’s common to get an open head injury from:


Regardless of the type of open head injury you have suffered, you should consult with our Pennsylvania skull fracture attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm if your injury was caused by the negligence of another, as you could be eligible for compensation.

Should you honor us by allowing us to represent you, our attorneys and our team of professionals will get you the answers and respect you deserve. We will fight on your behalf to get you compensated for your suffering and for the needs you now have to help you live more comfortably after this horrific event.

Please, call toll free at 1-800-444-5309 for your free consultation. We have offices in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Scranton and will travel to you.

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Closed Head Injury Attorneys

Closed Head Injury Attorneys

Regardless of the type of closed head injury you have suffered, you should consult with our Pennsylvania head injury lawyers at The Pisanchyn Law Firm if your injury was caused by the negligence of another, as you could be eligible for compensation.

Closed Head Injury Attorneys

Anoxia Hypoxia Attorneys

Regardless of the type of traumatic brain injury you have suffered, you should consult with our Pennsylvania anoxic brain damage attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm if your injury was caused by the negligence of another, as you could receive compensation.

Closed Head Injury Attorneys

Subdural Bleeding

If you or a loved is suffering with or has suffered a subdural hematoma as a result of someone’s negligence, or even worse has lost their life as a result of not being treated for the brain injury in a timely manner, you should consult with our subdural hematoma attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm if your injury was caused by the negligence of another, as you could be eligible for compensation.

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